The phrase "whistling in the dark" is taken from the AA Big Book. It likens our attempts to maintain positivity to a frightened child whistling in the dark to ward off fear. In my journey of recovery, I've had to let go of old ways of thinking and coping with life. As someone who struggled with OCD and compulsive tendencies, I would often make small problems bigger by fixating on them. Similarly, the man in the painting is pulling at a snag in his life without realizing the chaos that is unraveling behind him. His focus is narrow, and he cannot see the bigger picture or the consequences of his actions. Through my own experiences, I've learned not to demonize my past mistakes and instead approach them with a more playful mindset. The octopus, a recurring subject in my work, represents negative choices and events. But as I progress on this path, I see it more as a feral child - abandoned, misunderstood, and limited in its abilities - rather than something inherently bad.
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